I live in Colvend, in rural Galloway – possibly the most beautiful place in the world? I am studying HND photography/art at Dumfries and Galloway College. I am passionate about this and I will continue as far as I am academically able. I have a conditional offer for a BA Hons Fine Art at Cumbria beginning in September. I don’t know where I stand with that now since I am unable to complete my HND Graded Unit, due to our monstrous circumstances. Much of the conceptual art I make revolves around my character and beliefs and character is inextricably linked with politics. I lead a vegan lifestyle and I have Socialist principles. I do not believe in Conservatism, capitalism, brexit, conflict, racism, religion, sexism, hierarchies, secret societies, militarism with all its pomp and circumstance, the monarchy with all its trappings, blood sports, animal racing, and most nationalism seems to be based on dubious facts and a lot of fiction......there is much more, but I don’t argue these points with people – they are simply my views, which inform my art.